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SAFE 12.3.2 Csi.rarl


Abstract:- The proposed Project Analysis of Raft and Piled raft foundation is based on analyzing of the residential building structure using commercially adopted structural software "SAFE-12.3.2". This project comprises of G+22 storeys residential building located in Noida, Delhi. Raft foundations is the favorite choice for most of the designers but now days due to constraints of cost increment, decreasing availability of land because of rapid industrialization & urbanization there is growth in vertical direction resulting in many high rise building coming up. This has resulted in heavy load, complicated stress conditions and limitation of bearing capacity of soil. This results in settlement of high rise buildings. As a solution to the settlement problem of high rise buildings number of piles are used and new type of foundation called as combined piled raft foundation is coming up in a big way. Combined piled raft foundation is an efficient foundation for medium rise buildings in which the superimposed load is transferred to the soil by the combined action of pile and raft and facilitates settlement reduction. Raft and pile are combined in a view to reduce the overall settlement of the structure. The aim of this project was to reduced the Settlement and Soil bearing pressure within the permissible limit as per given in IS CODE 1904:1986.

R.R Chaudhary, Dr K. N. Kadam. Effect of Piled Raft Design on High-Rise Building Considering Soil Structure Interaction. :- R. R. Chaudhary, Dr K. N. Kadam Piled-raft foundations for important high-rise buildings have proved to be a valuable alternative to conventional pile foundations or mat foundations. The concept of using piled raft foundation is that the combined foundation is able to support the applied axial loading with an appropriate factor of safety and that the settlement of the combined foundation at working load is tolerable. Pile raft foundation behavior is evaluated with many researches and the effect of pile length; pile distance, pile arrangement and cap thickness are determined under vertical or horizontal static and dynamic loading. In the present paper the

SAFE 12.3.2 Csi.rarl

To examine the behavior of piled raft foundation ETABS 2016 and SAFE-12.3.2 is used. First Investigation of the site location is done where the bearing capacity of soil is poor and taking the SBC of soil in that area and basic tests are carried out to study the properties of the soil. Using ETABS software the 22 storey building is analyzed then by importing the super structural loads using the SAFE software the raft foundation is modeled and analyzed but as the settlement and SBC was not within the permissible limits we have introduced piled raft foundation and finally Optimum combination of pile and raft dimensions is selected. Here piles are assigned as pile spring value by calculating the spring value that is K and assigned in SAFE-12.3.2 software .

12.3 F Factors. Use an average F factor according to section 12.3.1 or determine an applicable F factor according to section 12.3.2. If combined fuels are fired, prorate the applicable F factors using the procedure in section 12.3.3.

12.3.2 Determined F Factors. If the fuel burned is not listed in Table 19-2 or if the owner or operator chooses to determine an F factor rather than use the values in Table 19-2, use the procedure below: Use applicable methods in section or to determine the heat content of solid or liquid fuels. For gaseous fuels, use ASTM D 1826-77 or 94 (incorporated by reference - see 60.17) to determine the heat content.

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

6.6 The instrument shall be intrinsically safe for operation in explosive atmospheres as defined by the National Electrical Code by the National Fire Prevention Association or other applicable regulatory code for operation in any explosive atmospheres that may be encountered in its use. The instrument shall, at a minimum, be intrinsically safe for Class 1, Division 1 conditions, and/or Class 2, Division 1 conditions, as appropriate, as defined by the example code. The instrument shall not be operated with any safety device, such as an exhaust flame arrestor, removed.

When the probe can be safely handled, wipe off all external particulate matter near the tip of the probe. Remove the probe from the train and close off both ends with aluminum foil. Seal off the inlet to the train with Teflon tape, a ground glass cap, or aluminum foil.

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.

5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method. The analyzer users manual should be consulted for specific precautions to be taken with regard to the analytical procedure.

5.1 Since this method is complex, only experienced personnel should perform this test. LFG contains methane, therefore explosive mixtures may exist on or near the landfill. It is advisable to take appropriate safety precautions when testing landfills, such as refraining from smoking and installing explosion-proof equipment. 2ff7e9595c


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